Category: Nathan Francis


▶ To YouTube or Not to YouTube?

To YouTube or Not to YouTube…. Nathan Francis YouTube Channel #NathanFrancis #NathanTheodoreFrancis #NathanTheodore YouTube is one of the greatest forms of social media created in the last ten years! Hands down. Of course, Facebook,...


▶ Hooked!

Buddhism teaches us that cause of human suffering is attachment. Given that I am one of the most habitual packrats I Know. I believe I have suffered dearly due to my attachments. And inability to accept some things which were never meant to last – hooked.

schools are not reopening

▶ No surprises here… Schools are not reopening

No surprises here… Schools are not reopening. It appears that will be the most likely outcome for most schools this fall. I wanted to be wrong. But once I saw how poorly this situation had been handled. I KNEW the kids would not return to school, at least in the fall.

The Truth About Forex, What you should know

▶ What I Discovered About Forex Trading…(Part one)

Forex, Forex, Forex…It’s all about Forex. It seems to me recently, more, and more people are discovering and trying out Forex, exploring it, and are very eager. First, let me flashback to August 2017 when I opened my first account with a Forex Education provider as well as funded my first brokerage accounts. It was utterly intoxicating as I undertook effort, eager to amass millions on my terms based on my skill and intellect.


▶ The Lessons I Learned From Wrestling

Most people love to watch a wrestling sport, but have you ever wondered how many of those spectators would like to participate in a wrestling match? Very few, I guess. If you’ve ever wrestled, you know it takes a lot out of you, but at the same time, it deposits so much in you. Wrestling taught me countless life lessons and principles that apply today as much as they ever did.