▶ Clout Chasing KEVIN SAMUELS at its Absolute Best!

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Clout Chasing – Foreword

I had to make this post.  Shamelessly I am using Kevin Samuel’s name as probably hundreds, maybe Thousands of YouTubers are currently doing.

While I am certain most of them are surfing the algorithm with visions of greatness dancing in their heads (or at least a surge in views and corresponding Superchats), Hammer, GameChanger00100.

I must believe the more serious and sober ones are posting reaction videos because Kevin has provided a significant opening.

Kevin Samuels, or Saint Kevin, as he is respectfully referred to by Obsidian Mumia Ali. Kevin Samuels has opened the discussion of expectation, habits and efficacy of black people mating and dating in a way not many others have succeeded. 

Many YouTubers have attacked the issue of Black American female dating and mating success, falling along a broad spectrum from critical analysis and condemnation(usually by men) Hammer, GameChanger00100

to reflection and capitulation that black man share in this failing as much as black women, to the unfortunate and yet common claim by some black women the fault rests completely on the backs of black men. “yeah right”, I say!!!, and HELL no. Christelyn Karazin.

Black Manosphere and the world

Today’s global, extremely high usage of social media, of YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, the ‘Black Community’ in specific, and the dominant society at large are examining what I consider to be an epidemic and out failure of American’s to adequately manage and succeed at both their short and long-term romantic and emotional desires.

My greatest exposure this discussion has been via the “Black Manosphere’ and I’ve gained a tremendous amount of value-added insight from content creators from this sector as well as those tangentially associated with the Manosphere and also those almost always associated with the Manoshere due their being black OR the nature of their content. BGS Ibmor, Art of Ibmor and The Roger Report.

Clarity and Healing

Despite the wealth of information and examination of this topic in the manosphere, many of the content creators have slipped or occasionally slip into little more than what lands with most listeners as of pity parties and sessions of catharsis for those who have tremendous frustrations and hurt.

I say this because I hope to continue to see these content creators with the talent, growth potential and therefore social reach of ‘Kevin Samuels’, ‘Stephiscold’, ‘Donovan Sharpe’ and ‘Mediocre Tutorials and Reviews ‘to name a few, weigh into the discussion often adding greater clarity with less dribble to the issue.

As a budding YouTuber, without any content posted YET, I am one of those people standing on the edge of creating and uploading, fearful of making that first video. I am fearful of negative feedback or worse, my efforts never going anywhere or becoming of any interest. 

However, increasingly I am becoming excited and motivated to throw my hat in the ring, and this is evidenced in this most recent post about clout chasing.  I too have visions of Super Chats dancing in my head….LOL!!!

BGS Ibmor, Art of Ibmor and The Roger Report. #blackmanosphere #cloutchasing #nathanfrancis

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