▶ Ooh! Don’t say it again!!!

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As I mentioned in a previous post, I am an avid fan of many YouTubers in the Black Manosphere space. Oshay Duke Jackson, Obsidian Ali, Royce Jay, Infamous D-Gutter, BGS IBMOR, Mumia, etc. Outside of content I watch and listen to for educational needs, in the course of business pursuits, or other research based on personal interests,

I almost exclusively listen to content creators from the (Black) Manosphere.

What is Wrong with Content Creators?

Over the last six months however, I’ve become increasingly fed up and annoyed with how many of the contributors and others participating on their panels continually overuse, misuse, and mindlessly repeat phrases describing the actions or words of others in terms of the ‘Masculine’ and feminine.’  

By this I mean I am completely fed up with the way these content creators, and usually the less successful and entertaining ones, continually use this paradigm in a destructively, descriptive manner such as to control the narrative of other contributors, and other members of any given live stream panel.  Gee Dizzle, The Crimson Cure, R U D E M P

The Killer Tactics

It appears any time someone wants to diminish the validity of anyone else’s perspective the first line of attack is to label that person, their point of view, or way of speaking as ‘feminine.’, and presumably less valid or relevant than their presumptive masculine view of the same set of circumstances or criteria. Man of tomorrow (M.O.T.), Research Edward Anderson, The Roger Report, Bernard Riley

Sometimes it occurs to me there is no way more than 10 percent of the of people who constantly misuse and abuse this paradigm, actually know what they’re talking at least when it comes to putting social exchanges, words or action into context of the ‘masculine/feminine’; 

But, what do I know?  I might have it twisted, but I doubt it, LOL!  It appears more and more YouTubers in that are space piling in on in attempting to qualify their thoughts and views as more valid and superior through this paradigm (e.g. masculine vs. feminine), but often fall short of this goal. 

Listening to these exchanges on the panels has gone from slightly to extremely annoying.

Time Out

My request to all you content creators doing this, “QUIT”

Let’s have a moratorium on using this dynamic to describe others for one month.  Let’s give it a rest, let it breathe and come at each other with different, or a NEW, dynamic for a while.  Jeez!

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