▶ Red Pill and the Main Reality

Red Pill and the Main Reality
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Red Pill and the Main Reality

The phrase “Red Pill,” which originates from the 1999 movie The Matrix, has come to represent how people become aware of a previously unrecognized pretended world.

These terms are used by the main current secular male supremacist organizations to explain their “awareness” that males do not have systemic power or privilege, including PUAs, men’s rights activists, The Red Pill, and Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW).

Instead, they become aware of the “reality” that, in terms of society, the economy, and sexuality, males are subject to the whims of women’s (and feminists’) wishes and power.

Being blue-pilled, like in the movie, is accepting the dominant narrative and deciding to live in denial of reality. Red Pillers believe that they are more intelligent than “blue-pilled normies.”

To express their own versions of awakenings, conspiratorial worldviews that frequently coincide with male supremacist perspectives, such as antifeminism, far-right and white nationalist groups expanded the use of the phrase “Red Pill” in male supremacist forums.

Origin of Black Pill and INCEL

Misogynist online forums started to transition from a Red Pill to a growing “Black Pill” worldview about 2016.

This belief system acknowledges the Red Pill theory of a female-dominated society but opposes attempts at the individual level, such as playing games to develop a sexual connection with women, as erroneous, contending that only social reform has the potential to be successful.

According to proponents of the Black Pill, physical appearance is genetically set and women make sexual decisions based exclusively on physical appearance (a practice known as “lookism”), making it inevitable whether or not a person would be an incel.

Misogynist incels try to show that women solely care about a man’s physical appearance by misinterpreting scientific research, online dating statistics, and their own “experiments.”

Although some incels continue to get plastic surgery, exercise (“gym maxxing”), or attempt other physical feature enhancements, many think these tactics are ineffective since inceldom is an issue with society, not the person. Blackpilled incels are aware of and disapprove of sociability and appearance-based techniques.

The Black Pill Philosophy

The Black Pill philosophy typically gives people only two options for how to deal with their newly accepted reality: accept their fate as incels or attempt to change society in a way that benefits them.

This change is typically advocated as possibly achievable through mass violence and terrorism, rather than politics or other methods of change. “Copes” are derided as ineffective strategies for dealing with the unfair system, including denying the existence of the Black Pill.

Suicide is frequently advocated as the only option for individuals who decide to accept their blackmailed fate; it is also endorsed in sexist incel groups as a sort of sacrificial violence and/or martyrdom.

When discussing impending self-harm, losing hope, or suicide, incels use terms like “rope” (suicide by hanging), “LDAR” (lay down and rot), or “suifuel” (suicide fuel).

Suifuel, “it’s finished,” “brutal,” and “it never begun” are frequently used as tags and reactions to postings that members believe best demonstrate the reality of the Black Pill.

Members have been questioned in internal surveys posted on incels.co about when they anticipate “roping.” Users have occasionally made explicit statements like “I have to murder myself” or “I shall kill myself by the time I’m a certain age if I’m still an incel”.

While some group members provide sorrow in response to suicidal comments, others encourage poster behaviour by questioning why they are still posting after expressing suicidal thoughts but have not yet tried to commit themselves.

However, that absence might instead indicate males withdrawing from the online community, and data are not yet available to determine what is happening. When active members become silent for a lengthy period of time, this commonly causes forum speculation that they have committed suicide.

However, there is a big distinction between encouraging and threatening violence against others and making a population susceptible to self-harm.

On sexist incel forums, members who express suicidal thoughts are also encouraged to “go ER” or “be a hERo,” which refers to killing lots of people before killing oneself. Many sexist incels support mass violence before turning to suicide as a means of bringing about systemic change and ending inceldom.

The Toronto van attacker informed police he had wanted to commit “suicide by cop,” a frequent strategy for perpetrators of mass violence. Martyrdom is celebrated, as it was with the Santa Barabara offender.

The use of mass violence to violently topple the system and force normies to take attention is positioned as a critical road to structural change for Black Pill supporters who want to alter society rather than accept their lot.

Being at risk for self-harm and encouraging and threatening violence against others are two very different things.

The foundations of this mindset can be seen in a thread on “incel shooting sprees” on Sluthate.com from November 2014 where it is claimed that such widespread carnage is “the only way that sluts and alphas will realise and accept that there are serious consequences for allowing so many males to live their lives in misery.”

The “Incel Rebellion” or “Beta Uprising” is the term used to describe this widespread use of violence to bring about societal change in support of incels’ worldview.

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